Dominica Events & Holidays
Dive Fest Generally the 2nd or 3rd week of July August Emancipation Day Public Holiday - 1st Monday in August Nature Island Literary Festival & Book Fair Early August October World Creole Music Festival Last weekend in October November Independence Day National Holiday – November 3 National Day of Community Service Public Holiday – November 4 December Christmas Day Public Holiday – December 25 Boxing Day Public Holiday – December 26 |
Carnival (February / March) is celebrated around the island and includes wide variety ofentertaining and interactive events, activities and festivities all of which revolve around very loud music, dancing in the streets (jump-up), Calypso competition, the annual crowning of the Queen monarch, amazing costumes. The beauty of Dominica and its people, and much, much more!
February / March Carnival
• Parade & Opening of Carnival • Calypso Semi Finals • Carnival Princess Show • The Stardom Calypso Tent • Showdown Mas Camp • Teenage Pageant • Lagoon Street Jam • Lapeau Kabwit/Sensay Festival • Stardom King of the Tent • The National Queen Show • National Calypso Finals • Kiddies Old Mas Festival • Carnival Street Parade • Jump-up • Vaval Visit ► for additional information, specific dates, and times. |
Dive Fest (July) is hosted by the Dominica Watersports Association. Scuba diving is one of the island's main year-round attractions. Week long events include special dive prices, underwater photo shoots & contest, introduction to scuba classes, canoe races, and much more. It is the longest running dive festival in the Caribbean. Established over 19 years ago, Dominica's Dive Fest is the longest running Diving Festival in the Caribbean.
World Creole Music Festival (October) provides a very visible platform and menu of Dominican musicians and Creole music. This festival known for it's impressive list of local and world renowned talent is anticipated each year by locals as well tourists. The festival date is set to correspond with Dominica's Independence holiday and festivities. ►